Giallo Ornamental
Data on Giallo Ornamental:
Stone Name: Giallo Ornamental Country of origin: Brazil Catalog: Granite Color: Yellow Synonyms: CompressiveStrength: 95.5 MPa WaterAbsorption: 0.32 % Density: 2,676 kg/m³ FlexuralStrength: 22.25 MPa Recommended Usage: Construction stone, ornamental stone Keywords: Brazil - Granite - Giallo Ornamental - Natural Stones Description:Giallo Ornamental A coarse-grained, brown-yellow granulite with some brown-red garnets, Portuguese "amarelo" = yellow. This stone internationally may be nominated as a granite. For the US- and Chinese market this is correct according to ASTM C 119 resp. GB/T 17670. But in the area of application of the European Standard (EN) this stone must be nominated as granulite because the EN 12440 demands a scientific terminology for the denomination of natural stones, determined with a petrografic examination according to EN 12407 and 4.2 of prEN 12670. In case of doubt please ask your supplier. SYNONYMS: Amarelo Ornamental, Amarillo Ornamental, Giallo Ornamentale, Giallo Ornamentical, Ornamental Yellow, Yellow Ornamental